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Johana Novotná: The Land of Deep Valleys

Exhibition – Kraj hlubokých údolí (The Land of Deep Valleys), vitrína/showcase, Havlíčkovo nábř. 28, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Screening – Kraj hlubokých údolí (The Land of Deep Valleys), 6 min., 2021, Čus nad zlato (Bye Over Gold), 13 min., 2020
Concert – Johuš Matuš
The exhibition and film essay Kraj hlubokých údolí (The Land of Deep Valleys) is based on the thesis of the same name on which Novotná worked during the lockdown. Her work included painting posthumous portraits of dogs, which was a source of comfort and memory for the owners. The personified portraits of dogs painted on a positive and bright palette suggest that they have indeed entered paradise. The theme is also the basis for the film essay Kraj hlubokých údolí (The Land of Deep Valleys), a spin-off of the video Čus nad zlato (Bye Over Gold). Both works refer to the rural environment and are dedicated to the rural pop genre created by Johuš Matuš, the musical alter ego of Johana Novotná. Rural pop explores the relationships and dualisms between the pure and the corrupt, rural bourgeoisie and urban etiquette, spiritualism and the visible world.