Jakub Jansa: Club of Opportunities
Exhibition – Club of Opportunities
panels in front of the Cultural House of the City of Ostrava
Screening – Club of Opportunities, 20 min., 2017–2021
“Welcome to the Club of Opportunities: a temporary new world in the middle of your brain.”
Jakub Jansa’s six-part episode series of the Club of Opportunities looks into the structure of contemporary society through a mythological way of storytelling. Through mixed genres — from drama to absurd comedy — he thematizes archetypal social topics, questions of authority and hierarchical relationships. High forms change to low and vice versa, and thanks to this transformation, the Club of Opportunities offers new possibilities. Central characters of this atypical “television” series are — a hybrid creature between celery and human named Red Herring, fortune teller (Seer) and philosopher Kamil Nábělek, who accompanies the context of the vegetable hierarchy. The latest episode of Club of Opportunities was created for this year’s exhibition of Jindřich Chalupecký Award winners.
Club participants
Camera: Kryštof Melka, Kryštof Hlůže / Sound Design: Eva01 / Sound Recording: Petr Kolev / Performers: Viola Tůmová, Ester Geislerová, Jan Kostiha, Soňa Beaumont, Patrik Petr, Kamil Nábělek / 3D: Josef Mrva / Sound Recording: Anna Žihlová / Styling: Karolína Juříková / Graphic Design: Martin Groch, Jan Horčík / Photos: Tomáš Souček, Jakub Jansa, Anna-Marie Bergrová, Kryštof Hlůže Druhá epizoda April Showers Bring May Flowers vytvořena společně s Karolínou Juříkovou.